Sunday, January 20, 2008

Seven Things I Like to Do in the Summer

This is for the Sunday Seven Meme

1. Enjoy the Morning - When I wake up, I throw on my clothes and dash outside barefoot.

2. Play Little House on the Prairie - My three sisters and I pretend we are the Ingall's. We find plants and berries to make meals.

3. Find Food in the Yard - When I'm hungry, I like to eat vegetables from the garden , fruits, and berries from the yard.

4. Dance at Sunset - I like to dance barefoot wearing a dress, putting white blossoms in my hair, and singing sweetly to myself while the sun sets.

5. Rake the Grass - When my Dad mows the lawn, I like to rake and smell the fresh cut grass.

6. Play in Water - I like swimming in the lake, running through the sprinkler, getting in water balloon fights, and making a slip and slide.

7. Play in the Sandpile - My sisters and I dig holes and ditches in the sand and fill them with water from the hose.